Flying With An Emotional Support Animal

If you have an emotional support animal registered and you are looking to fly with them, there are some things you will need to do beforehand before you can fly.

Throughout this story I’ll be referring to ESA’s as dogs, but note that this will apply to any type of emotional support animal (not just a dog).

Call The Airline

Before you book any tickets, call the airline you plan to travel with and confirm that they allow emotional support animals.

Just because you have a letter from a mental health professional does not mean that your dog will be accepted and allowed on board.

If are able to book tickets during a specific time, I recommend flying with your dog in the evening when they will be tired and ready to sleep regardless.

Book Your Tickets

It’s important you contact the airline to see where the paperwork is located on their website and how far in advanced you need to fill it out.

Fill Out The Paperwork

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