Poo Poo Trail Hike with a Dog


Poo Poo Trail, a beautiful, ~6.5 mile roundtrip hike in Issaquah, WA which is dog-friendly, as long as you have them on leash.

The abundance of hiking trails which are just a short road trip away from Seattle is an excellent place to find repose with your furry friend.

The Poo Poo Trail Hike Itself

The trail picks up in intensity quickly. Almost immediately after stepping onto the main trail, you are facing a pretty steep incline.

As this is a dog-friendly hike, you’ll meet many hikers and their dogs along the way. Be sure to practice proper etiquette and allow others to pass

Take a few breaks like Yuna and I did. It’s also a good chance to snap some nice pics of your dog!

Don’t forget to hold your pup back if they get too hyped up at the sight of another dog!

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