9 Easy-to-Maintain Goldendoodle Haircuts

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Everyone loves Goldendoodles because of their playful and friendly nature. And with the right Goldendoodle haircuts, you can have a spiffy new haircut to match their personality!

Many wonder what types of Goldendoodle haircuts should to choose. A lot depends on the texture of your Doodle’s coat, but there are some fantastic Goldendoodle haircut styles that will look adorable for all hair types. Today, we are going to discuss the best Goldendoodle haircuts.

Goldendoodle Haircut Ideas

Goldendoodles and Mini Goldendoodles are a mix of Poodles and Golden Retrievers and have curly, wavy, or straight hair. Irrespective of the texture, it deserves a stunning haircut that will make everyone in the dog park turn their heads. So let’s take a look at some of the most amazing Goldendoodle haircut style ideas that will make your furry baby look ravishingly adorable.

Goldendoodle Clean Face Cut

The Clean Face cut is a style that goes well with different types of Goldendoodle haircuts. As the name itself suggests, this haircut is a clean shave of the face around the dog’s eyes and muzzle. However, the hair on the head and around the ears is left in a long length.

This is an excellent hairstyle for smaller dogs that are messy eaters, keeping food out of the food in the fur. Since Goldendoodles have thick hair, a clean cut works well instead of letting the hair grow out. The hair can be cut to about an inch – which exposes the dog’s face.

Goldendoodle Teddy Bear Cut

The Teddy Bear cut is also known as the Puppy cut. It is one of the most popular Goldendoodle hairstyles. This cut reduces the hair length all over the body to half an inch or three-quarters of an inch. Depending on you and the groomer, the length can be trimmed to a 1-2-inch length.

This includes the dog’s ears, paws, and the entire face, with a non-feathered, clipped cut for the tail. Since this hairstyle involves short hair, it prevents the dog’s fur from matting. It is also a great summer cut. It is great for dogs with curly coats. Plus, this style is easy to maintain.

Goldendoodle Lion Haircut

If you don’t mind giving your dog a bold look, the Lion cut is an excellent choice. The length of the hair on the dog’s back is trimmed to a quarter of an inch. But the hair around the face and on the head and chest is given a short trim, keeping the length intact to resemble a lion’s mane.

To make it look more like a mini lion, the hair on the feet and tail tip is also not trimmed much. It’s a funny look for a small dog, especially those that have golden hair. Many dog owners love it. If you’re skeptical, don’t forget that this haircut is easy to turn into the Puppy cut or shave completely. Remember: their hair always grows back, so have fun experimenting!

Goldendoodle Poodle Cut

Many people don’t want their Goldendoodles to look like Poodles are they come home from the groomers, but why not? The Poodle cut is fancy, elegant, and sure to turn some heads.

A Goldendoodle resembles its Poodle parent to a large extent. So, to reflect that even more, you can choose the Poodle cute for your designer dog. It works well on both long and short hair that different Goldendoodles have. It also works well for Goldendoodles that have a curly coat.

The hair on the face and belly needs to be clipped to an inch or less, while the hair around the tail, ears, and head top is reduced to 2-4 inches. This gives the dog a sophisticated and mature look. The good news is that you will be able to maintain this Goldendoodle appearance easily.

Goldendoodle Mohawk Haircut

Who said only handsome golden-haired humans like David Beckham can pull off a mohawk? Your Goldendoodle can do it, too! In this style, the hair on the dog’s body is clipped to achieve a length of 1 inch. On the other hand, the hair on the top of the head and ears is cut to 2-4 inches.

You may also choose to keep the hair length longer on the head and along the back of the dog. If you’re particularly bold, you can even dye this section – but you must choose a pet-friendly hair color. It is yet another bold haircut. But don’t worry. You can change it to the Puppy cut, too.

Goldendoodle Kennel Cut

The Kennel cut is a basic hairstyle that gives your pet a clean look. It is also easy to achieve and maintain – and provides comfort to the canine during the hot summer months. It’s also the ideal choice for active dogs. This clip essentially reduces the fur length down to 1 inch or less.

It is applied all over the dog’s body. Thus, it is easy for you to regularly brush and wash this short-length hair, making maintenance super-easy. While many parents think this look is not unique and special, it reveals your dog’s true personality and appearance and looks quite cute.

Goldendoodle GI Cut/Shaved

If you prefer short hair length for your dog, the GI cut is a great choice. For this look, the dog’s hair is reduced down to the skin. In other words, all the fur on the dog’s fur is shaved off. That’s why it is also known as the Full Shave cut. This cut is not too stylish, but it’s quite popular.

One of the reasons behind the popularity of the clip is that it is a summer cut and prevents skin irritation during the sweltering months. Secondly, if the hair of the dog gets severely matted, it is often the only way out to allow the hair to regrow so that you can maintain it from scratch.

Goldendoodle Lamb Cut

The Lamb cut leaves the body hair at a length of around 1 inch, while the hair on the legs is cut to 2-4 inches. So the legs remain fluffy, usually in a round or beveled form, though neatly shaped. Shaping the hair on the legs helps it blend with the hair on the rest of the body parts.

Many Goldendoodle owners prefer this hairstyle to the Poodle cut as they think that it suits Goldendoodles better and gives them their own personality. The style is fairly easy to maintain, too. You can talk to the groomer to try different variants of this cut for a unique look.

How to Maintain Your Goldendoodle’s Hair at Home

Goldendoodles have different textures and lengths of hair. But they often tend to get tangled and even matted due to lack of maintenance. Giving the dog a haircut helps bring its coat to a manageable state. You can choose cuts that allow the dog’s skin to breathe in the summer months. Plus, a nice haircut will make the dog feel nice and cool!

Now that you know about the best Goldendoodle haircuts, you can run to your favorite professional groomer and give your fur baby a new look. But what happens after that? How will you take care of the dog’s hair? Your Doodle’s hair needs care, whether or not you give your pet a haircut or not. Here’s how you can groom your Doodle at home in between visits to the actual groomers, to ensure their new-do lasts!


Brushing your Doodle’s hair may seem like an obvious thing – but many Goldendoodle owners fail to do this as regularly as they should. Brushing keeps the hair shiny and free from tangles and matting. It also keeps the coat clean by making all the debris in the hair loose.

It’s a good idea to brush the dog on a daily basis. If that’s not possible, you should do it at least once or twice a week. You need a comb, brush, and slicker brush for this purpose. You’ll find them easily at any pet supply store. These types of brushes works well with the thick hair of a Goldendoodle dog.

Removing Tangles

Goldendoodles hair is prone to tangles and knots. It is essential to ensure that these are removed as soon as you see the first sign of them. Combing should help. If required, you must use clippers to remove these knots and tangles entirely in areas that could not be combed.

Ignoring these will do more than give your pooch an unsightly appearance. This is the first step before the matting of the hair begins. So prevent this by using a combination of grooming combs and grooming clippers. Do not try to use scissors on the dog unless you are a pro.


Lack of regular combing and detangling can lead to the matting of a Goldendoodle’s hair. This is often seen in abandoned dogs that you may adopt or rehabilitate. You should use a de-matting comb to remove matting from your Goldendoodle’s hair. Remember that you must be patient.

For excessive matting, take your dog to a groomer. De-matter can be very painful and unless you know what you’re doing, you can cause more pain to your dog. A groomer will know exactly how to get rid of the mats in a humane way, so that your dog isn’t stressed out and in pain.


If you bath your dog at home, you must fully dry your dog’s coat afterwards, or else you’ll end up with lots of painful mats.

Bathe the dog with shampoo and rub it thoroughly into the fur before rinsing it all off. Special shampoo for dogs is available at pet stores and you should never use human shampoo on your pooch. Shampoos for dogs are specially formulated to maintain the natural oils in their fur and skin.


Once bathed, you must dry the dog’s coat. It will not only give the Goldendoodle a glamorous look but also prevent the development of acute moist dermatitis, also known as pyotraumatic dermatitis or hot spots, and mats. Wet hair can lead to cowlicks or tufts of hair in different directions.

Some Doodle owners know their way around scissors and give their dogs a regular trim at home to maintain the hairstyle. If you’re one of those people, drying the hair before trimming will help you access the full fur length for trimming. You can towel-dry or blow-dry the hair. We love the below blow dryer and use it on our own Doodle for at home grooming!

Shelandy Pet Dryer
  • ①Power: 2400W adjustable | Voltage: 125V | Airflow volume: 84.7 CFM
  • ②Airflow variable: 65MPH-135MPH, suitable for tiny cats to large breeds
  • ③New tech for noise reduction & Two settings for heating temperature

How Often Should Goldendoodles be Groomed?

To ensure that your Goldendoodle’s hair remains in good shape, you need to take them to a groomer every 6-8 weeks if your pet has long hair. However, if your Goldendoodle’s hair is on a shorter clip, you have 8-10 weeks before you take it to a groomer. It’s best to observe the hair length and wait for it to transition.

As for puppies, we suggest that you start taking the little one to its first grooming session when it is five months old. This is when the fur of Goldendoodles starts changing . Plus, you can get them socialized and used to the groomers.

This puppy cut includes a full-body trim, along with a trim around the pup’s feet, butt, and eyes to ensure that your pup is in a comfortable state. If your Goldendoodle has wavy hair and slow growth, the change after the trim will be barely noticeable.

However, when the hair is curly or straight, the change becomes prominent and soft. Giving the Goldendoodle its first haircut at the age of 5 months is an excellent start to ensure the softness of the fur and convenient maintenance. However, you may consider an early trim if the hair growth is fast and looks unkempt before the dog reaches the age of 5 months.

Other Grooming Ideas

There are other fun ways to keep your Goldendoodle looking stylish like:

  • A pom tail: give a little pom pom at the end of your dogs tail by keeping the rest of the tail short but fluffing the hair out at the end of the tail.
  • Different colors: ask your groomer about dying your dog’s hair with dog-safe dye. Some last months, and dying your dog is an excellent way to deter thiefs.
  • Clydesdale: keep the hair in a bell shape (almost like bell bottoms) on your dogs legs. They’ll look just like a Clydesdale horse !

Final Words

Choosing the right haircut depends primarily on the Goldendoodle coat and what your preference is. It’s best to choose something low maintenance if the dog’s body hair grows too fast.

Of course, how it looks also makes a big difference, and you can always change the style. So have fun with different Goldendoodle haircuts and choose looks that will continue to look good even with low or medium maintenance. Don’t forget to consider your dog’s nature, convenience, and activity level while choosing the right hairstyle.

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